Warm Winter Socks
Smartwool’s Socktober Campaign of warm winter socks returns! Here’s your chance to keep your tootsies warm and do something for the planet. See what Smartwool has going on for Socktober!
Smartwool is supporting its advocacy partners throughout the month of October by donating $5, up from $1 last year, for every pair of socks sold on smartwool.com to Protect Our Winters. Smartwool’s warm winter socks Socktober promo will also donate $5 to an advocacy partner chosen by select retail partners for every pair of socks sold – up to $1,000 – to support nonprofits that preserve and protect nature’s most precious places and other great causes. This is the second consecutive year that Smartwool has hosted Socktober. “I believe businesses have a responsibility to make the world a better place. At Smartwool, that belief is integrated into our purpose, our values and our vision,” said Jen McLaren, president of Smartwool. “We have been advocating for the outdoors since day one. We do this through providing access to the outdoors for everyone and protecting this awe inspiring environment. I want us to continue to lead our business through the lens of our advocacy efforts with campaigns like Socktober and more.” In addition to this month-long, annual campaign, Smartwool supports five key partners with monetary donations, in-kind donations and volunteer hours.

The advocacy partners include: ● The Nature Conservancy – The Nature Conservancy works globally and locally to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends with a focus on key conservation areas: protecting land and water, tackling climate change, providing food and water sustainably, and building healthy cities. ● Big City Mountaineers – Big City Mountaineers transforms the lives of youth from under-resourced communities through mentored wilderness expeditions that instill critical life skills. ● Protect Our Winters (POW) – Founded by professional snowboarder Jeremy Jones in 2007, POW turns passionate outdoor people into effective climate advocates. ● SOS – At SOS Outreach we do one thing: help kids gear up for life. Born out of the idea of belonging, SOS Outreach is committed to creating a culture of community and empowerment where kids can discover their enthusiasm for life and learn the skills that they need to live it to the fullest and carve their own path. ● The Conservation Alliance – The Conservation Alliance’s mission is to engage businesses to fund and partner with organizations to protect wild places for their habitat and recreation values.