Defy Sore Ski Muscles with DEFY Muscle Balm
Ski season was rapidly approaching and I knew I had to be fit. I was doing yoga daily and Crossfit at least 3 days a week. I was ready to ski and feeling good. The first day or two felt pretty good and I was congratulating myself on my preseason training until I started to how different skiing was on my body. In the summer we hike, run, ride bikes, etc but we do very little in the lateral plane. Skiing is very lateral as you move from edge to edge. My old knees were feeling it. I thought I would try Defy along with rest and yoga and I am really impressed with the results. And to be honest a little surprised. I am bone on bone in both knees so I didn't think something like this could help me since the root of the problem is not muscular, but I was wrong. I started using it every morning before skiing and every night before bed. I haven't used a lot of CBD products in the past, but this one is a game-changer. I love the clean smell of Eucalyptus and it rubs in easily and starts working immediately. It penetrates your muscles with the combo of camphor and menthol. I will be using this product for a long time to DEFY the pain! learn more at: