Wagner Skis Telluride 10th Mountain Division Ski
Custom Coolness. We really like the new Wagner’s 10th Mountain top design. Nice “Van Gogh-ish”oil paint look with fiery colors. Sure to create some cool snow-glow from tip to tail!- www.wagnerskis.com
Wagner Custom is a small US ski factory that helps people find their mountain mastery through its unbelievably sweet custom-fit, tailor-made skis
Wagner Custom was founded in 2006 just downstream from the Telluride Ski Resort. Each month we build just a few of the world’s best skis and snowboards, each unique and designed for a specific rider. We use only the world’s finest raw materials, shaping and assembling the parts with 21st Century equipment in the world’s greenest ski factory, running 100% on wind and solar energy.
Expertly Custom Crafted for your best ski days yet. Wagner Custom will help you find your perfect fit. The right equipment can make all the difference. They design the skis to match your exact needs and likes. They call it the Skier DNA. They then select the materials and construbtion that will best suit what type of skier you are, where you like to ski and in what conditions. It allows them to choose the perfect profiles, materials and construction to create a one-of-a-kind ski that improves balance, control and efficiency to make skiing much more comfortable and ultimately, more fun.